U.S. Taekwondo

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Bryn Culpepper

4th Degree Black Belt

Ms. Culpepper began her martial arts training with Master Kim at the age of 12. She currently serves as a senior ranking instructor and advisor for United States Taekwondo's various Teaching Development Programs. Ms. Culpepper enjoys involving herself in a wide variety martial arts activities such as Olympic Taekwondo competition, International Sport Karate events, and ongoing continuing education for instructors. She trains and instructs at various United States Taekwondo (UST) locations in order to oversee and monitor classroom activities and instructor training. While studies and academic obligations occupy much of her time, Ms. Culpepper still manages to support United States Taekwondo activities and serves as an invaluable member of the team.

Personal Fact:

Ms. Culpepper is currently enrolled in her 2nd year of medical school to become a physician!